Lawyer Monthly Magazine - July 2019 Edition
LANDON MILLER Commander Landon C. G. Miller, COO at Aemerge, LLC is an Attorney at Law, Licensed to Practice in Washington and Washington DC; a registered USPTO Patent Attorney holding a Masters in Systems Engineering and Management, BA in Zoology and Chemistry. He was the First Chief Engineer for IBM (now retired) as well as a C level Executive, and is a Retired KPMG Peat Marwick Senior Consulting Partner, PIC for Aerospace & Defense. His other roles also include: Retired Commander, Submarine Officer and Co u n t e r / An t i - T e r r o r i sm Experiences; CIO & Senior Advisor Roles for hundreds of US National & International Corporates with 30 + years in computing including systems programming, large scale architecture, networks and complex systems. Landon is a Lead Inventor on over 50+ issued patents (US and internationally) in the fields of neuro-chemistry, electrical micro-grids, conversion technologies (currently being applied to a wide variety of waste streams), and computing. Landon CG Miller COO at Aemerge, LLC and Aemerge RedPak Services | last year: the technology must (1) actually work, (2) at a scale that makes an impact at the US level of waste, and (3) be economically viable. Obviously, it needs to be IP worthy or it cannot be investible; and the more and stronger patents that you have surrounding the core patentable concept, the better. In addition, as an inventor yourself, what three important things have you learnt about IP that you wish to share with inspiring inventors? The best IP is (1) actionable, has (2) an inherent economically sound benefit, and (3) is easily detectable when in use to allow for inexpensive monitoring of your invention’s scope of exclusivity. LM THE USE OF INCINERATION AS A TOOL FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT SHOULD BE ESSENTIALLY AT ITS END IN THE US AND OTHER DEVELOPED COUNTRIES www. lawyer-monthly .com 87 Expert Insight JUL 2019
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