Lawyer Monthly Magazine - October 2019 Edition
U R S P E C I A L F E AT U R E @LawyerMonthly Replying to @LawyerMonthly If you don’t recycle, you should be fined, and each time you get fined, the amount doubles, if, after 3 strikes, you still don’t recycle, you get given a £1000+ fine, that’ll sort people out! o @LawyerMonthly ordinary how authoritarian laws are g. Fines and policing for everything e clarity on the actual rules. Replying to @LawyerMonthly On an individual basis, no. If a person isn't able to adequately recycle. Say: No easy access to a facility; they shouldn't be criminalized for that. Replying to @LawyerMonthly No. Freedom should be legal. There should be lots of facilities and services for recycling though.
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