Lawyer Monthly - Women In Law Special Edition
WOMEN IN LAW EDITION LAWYER MONTHLY 17 joined us in this initiative and are helping us bring attention to the problem and ensure that women lawyers are aware of the capital available. Since October, our list of Champions has expanded to well over 20 women and men from leading law firms and corporations in the US, UK, France, Switzerland, Germany and Australia. With The Equity Project creating immediate incentives to promote women into leadership positions in law, we are quite proud that we are able to showcase and reap the benefits of a more collaborative and diverse culture. Although the law firm environment largely rewards competition and individual success, research shows that continuing to adhere to that approach at the expense of many women may ultimately be preventing firms from maximizing profits. McKinsey and others have shown that companies with greater gender diversity on their executive teams consistently outperform on both profitability and value creation. Historic progress (or lack thereof) suggests that challenging the law firm status quo and building a more inclusive culture that values teamwork and collaboration and more women in leadership positions will take more than strength of will. Instead, economic incentives are needed that can help generate decisive and immediate change in women’s access to leadership opportunities. We’re confident that The Equity Project, a combination of our capital and our commitment to gender parity, can lead to real and immediate change. of female lawyers earned less than their male counterparts in 2018 24% FACTS & FIGURES In the US, the gap is at an incredible 53% of equity partners are women, according to a McKinsey & Company report on gender diversity in the legal industry 19% of women are less likely to reach the first level of partnership than men 29%
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