Lawyer Monthly - Women In Law Special Edition
LAWYER MONTHLY WOMEN IN LAW EDITION 26 THE SKY IS THE LIMIT: What’s the key, for you, behind securing ground breaking partnerships? Any top tips you would share with aspiring lawyers? From my experience, the key to securing ground-breaking partnerships, like Sky’s partnership with Netflix or our retail deal with BT on NOW TV, is collaboration. Collaboration is a key part of Sky’s success both externally with our partners and internally with our colleagues. What makes our team so successful is that they recognise the importance of building relationships and getting closer to the business. Having a deep understanding of the business enables us to add value in a highly strategic, commercially focused manner. My advice to aspiring lawyers is don’t just get stuck in your legal lane, connect with people right across your organisation and ensure you understand the bigger picture of where you work. What would be your top three tips for women aiming to conquer leadership? Build a network of people who inspire and motivate you. The more diverse that network the better, and it’s helpful to get perspectives and insights from inside and outside of your organisation. Use this network to discuss challenges and exchange ideas for overcoming them. You will not be the only one struggling with issues such as how to balance work and home better or how to find your voice in a room full of people who are more senior than you. At Sky, we have built a ‘Women into Leadership’ programme to help more junior women connect with each other and build a stronger pathway through the organisation. Stretch yourself. Many women stay in their comfort zones, possibly for fear that challenging themselves will compromise the time they are able to spend with their children or that they aren’t good A CULTURE OF WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP In April this year, global media giant Sky named Claire Canning, a former Olswang Partner, as its new General Counsel for UK and Ireland. For Claire, this development has presented a variety of new and exciting opportunities, challenges and a fresh perspective. Claire’s promotion to General Counsel, Sky UK and Ireland follows the appointment of Vicky Sandry, Sky’s current General Counsel for UK and Ireland, to the role of Group General Counsel when James Conyers, Sky’s current Group General Counsel, leaves the company this summer. Over the next few pages, Lawyer Monthly hears from Claire Canning and Vicky Sandry on the day to days of their roles and on the key legal elements behind commercial enterprises such as Sky. We also hear their advice for women in law and leadership, including Sky’s culture driving ‘Women into Leadership’ programme. Q Q
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