Lawyer Monthly - Women In Law Special Edition

THE LAW SOCIETY’S FOOTPRINT IN THE LGBT SAND With The Law Society representing and governing England and Wales’ solicitors ever since 1825, the association has continued to represent, promote and support solicitors, so they, in turn, can help their clients. True to their objective, in 2016, the Society launched their LGBT+ Lawyers Division, which aims to unite LGBT+ lawyers by sharing best practices, addressing issues and challenges in the LGBT+ legal community and create a platform for gay, lesbian and transgender lawyers to be heard. We had the opportunity to speak to Katrina Robinson, who is Chair of the Law Society’s LGBT + Division, as well as a solicitor and independent adjudicator. We ask her about how diversity can improve for the LGBT community and what impact the Division has had so far. An Interview with Katrina Robinson LAWYER MONTHLY WOMEN IN LAW EDITION 64

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