Lawyer Monthly - Women In Law Special Edition
LAWYER MONTHLY WOMEN IN LAW EDITION 8 11.DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 12. Diversity Doesn’t Work Without Inclusivity Olivia Balson - Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 14. Fixing the Gender Gap 18. Women Cannot Change the Legal Sector Alone… We Need Men 22. Meet an Exceptional Woman in Law: Ruth Grant 25. INFLUENTIAL WOMEN 26. The Sky is the Limit: A Culture of Women in Leadership - Claire Canning & Vicky Sandry - General Counsel at Sky 30. Life as a Judge - Alexandra Marks 34. Inspirational Women in Law - The Women Lawyers Divison at The Law Society 44. The Women Who Broke Barriers 14 FIXING THE GENDER GAP 80 TOP TIPS ON MAKING PARTNER 72 IMPOSTER SYNDROM 84 HOW TO MAKE THE LEAP FROM SALARIED PARTNER TO EQUITY PARTNER
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