Lawyer Monthly Magazine - February 2020 Edition
Monthly Roundup News Dentons launched its pre- viously announced com- binations in the United States. The combination of Bingham Greenebaum and Cohen & Grigsby, to- gether with Dentons US, launches the first step in forming a truly national law firm in the United States as part of Dentons’ “Project Golden Spike.” Building on Dentons' global polycentric model, the new national partner- ship increases the quality and breadth of service to clients on a national and global scale, while also enabling member firms—beginning with Dentons US, Dentons Bingham Greenebaum and Dentons Cohen & Grigsby—to retain their defining characteristics and provide in and of the community insight wher- ever clients need it. Clients benefit from a model that ensures they are served by the part- ners they know and trust while also having access to the best technology and more talent in more places across the country and around the world. "Our innovative one-firm, dual partnership model ensures that the world's largest law firm is also a local firm. This basic element of our strat- egy is resonating with clients and elite law firms alike," said Joe Andrew, Global Chair of Dentons. "Strong, independent firms are speaking with us because clients want what our model offers: more talent in more plac- es, with lawyers who have a deep understanding of what clients need in each market to succeed and thrive." The new US Region will be governed by a Man- agement Committee led by Mike McNamara, Den- tons US Chief Executive Officer; Keith Bice, Den- tons Bingham Greene- baum Managing Partner; Chris Carson, Dentons Cohen & Grigsby Presi- dent and CEO; and Mary Wilson, Dentons US Man- aging Partner. Toby Mc- Clamroch will be Manag- ing Partner of Dentons’ US Region. “We are excited and proud to be introducing Dentons Bingham Green- ebaum and Dentons Co- hen & Grigsby," said El- liott Portnoy, Global CEO of Dentons. "The creativ- ity and collaboration of Toby, Keith and Chris, alongside Mike, Mary and the confidence and talent of our partners across the US, has been instru- mental in developing a law firm model that now positions us to build the first truly national US law firm.” Clients now benefit from Dentons’ 33 offices in the United States, including offices in nine of the 10 largest markets and 14 of the top 20. Including previously announced combinations, clients now have access to the experience and talents of more than 10,000 Den- tons lawyers in 182 loca- tions and 74 countries across the globe. "This marks an exception- al moment for our Firm and the business and profession of law. Our new national partnership allows us to significantly expand our capabilities for clients across the US," said Mike McNa- mara, CEO of Dentons US. "With additional tal- ent at Dentons Bingham Greenebaum and Den- tons Cohen & Grigsby, we are building a US law firm focused on the priorities of clients in the US and around the world who need to compete in this new decade in an ever- evolving, fast-changing global and local market- place.” Dentons Bingham Green- ebaum has helped clients close deals, manage risk and open doors to new opportunities for more than 100 years. Its more than 175 lawyers provide transactional, litigation, estate planning, tax and employee benefits, and Dentons Launches Inaugural Golden Spike Combinations in the United States US LAW economic development advice to clients across a variety of industries and business sectors from of- fices in Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio. “We are very proud to be one of the foundational Golden Spike firms,” said Keith Bice, Managing Partner of Dentons Bing- ham Greenebaum. “We firmly believe that this model unlocks growth opportunities for clients and enables us to assist them in new and signifi- cant ways." Dentons Cohen & Grigs- by, a leading provider of business-critical legal services, is comprised of more than 140 lawyers with offices in Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, Penn- sylvania, and Naples, Florida. The firm’s lawyers have developed core and speciality areas to meet client demands in busi- ness services, commer- cial and complex litiga- tion, workforce solutions and private wealth man- agement. “We have been very encouraged by our cli- ents’ reaction to the an- nouncement of Golden Spike," said Chris Car- son, President and CEO of Dentons Cohen & Grigsby. “Our clients, whose loyalty over many decades has been our greatest asset, immedi- ately saw this as a smart play, and one that would give them access to legal talent in so many more places—both in the US and around the world.” "We are delighted to be embarking on a new dec- ade using an innovative law firm model to de- liver better client service across the world's largest legal market,” said Toby McClamroch, Managing Partner of Dentons’ US Region. “This momen- tous day would not have been possible without the vision and energy of Dentons' Global Chair, Joe Andrew, alongside so many other talented col- leagues." The launch enhances the depth and breadth of services to clients re- sulting from collabora- tion among the highly regarded Bankruptcy, Corporate, Emerging Bu s i n e s s e s / V e n t u r e Tech, Employee Benefits, Energy, Financial Servic- es, Global Mobility, Intel- lectual Property, Labour & Employment, M&A, Private Equity, Real Es- tate and Trusts & Estates/ Wealth Management practices at each firm. In 2019 Dentons' part- ners led the profession by approving 14 com- binations around the world. 17 FEB 2020 | WWW.LAWYER-MONTHLY.COM
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