Lawyer Monthly Magazine - February 2020 Edition

0 Money laundering & fraud cost UK businesses, citizens and the government more than £190 billion a year [1] , according to the National Crime Agency. The effects can have a devastating impact on ordinary people as well as businesses and the government. With this in mind we heard from ‘John Dobson, CEO at SmartSearch, who has reviewed 10 of the most lucrative fraud and money laundering cases in recent years, providing expert advice on what businesses and individuals can learn from these: SmartSearch is a leading UK provider of anti- money-laundering software. Its anti-money- laundering verification platform conducts individual and business searches, both for the UK and international markets with automatic worldwide sanction and PEP screening. It is the only organization in the UK with the ability to verify individuals and companies in the UK and internationally all in a single platform via a browser or API, with full Sanction, PEP and adverse media screening and then ongoing monitoring. To find out more, visit: https://www.smartsearch . com/resources/blog/biggest-fraud-and-money- laundering-cases 26 WWW.LAWYER-MONTHLY.COM | FEB 2020 Special Feature Written by John Dobson, SmartSearch Of The Biggest Fraud And Money Laundering Scandals From The Past Decade

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