Lawyer Monthly Magazine - March 2020 Edition

notable examples of evidence being: NDAs, technology transfer agreements or emails. Evidence of a non-disclosure agreement in a court is a step in the right direction, but may not comprehensively cover material aspects of the infringement. Consequently, you can have a non-disclosure agreement document without enough details to protect yourself. With blockchain-based platforms, you can protect your digital assets before sharing them, regulate access rights, link NDA and policies to sensitive IP assets, avoid data leaks and access by unauthorized parties. Extensive IP safety matters Legal matters alone might not suffice to protect your intellectual property. Additional administrative and technical matters are required in order to make sure your intellectual property is safe. Use-case #3: A company has a lot of innovators and science departments working together to deliver breakthrough research to the market. Access to data inside the company is crucial to progress faster. But not all the data should be available to everyone – for example, device designs and specifications should be available only to the hardware department. To avoid data leaks and access by unauthorized parties, limit access to critical information to specific departments or individuals. These examples prove that blockchain technology has the potential to shake up the world of intellectual property. With its relatively low cost of maintenance, increased transparency, lessened administrative burden and resilience to fraud, blockchain is an attractive prospect in protecting IP rights. Lawyers and legal entities dealing with IP protection are among the professionals who will be among the first to reap the most benefits. LM About DEIP IP Ledger: DEIP IP Ledger is a part of DEIP’s ecosystem of products in DEIP Open Innovation Network. DEIP includes products built around IP assets allowing extraction of the maximum value: monetize IP, establish partnerships and collaboration using automated contracts (like NDAs, partnership agreements, etc.), find subject matter experts to support your projects, make unbiased screening and evaluation of innovation for agile decision making and funding. Consequently, you can have a non- disclosure agreement document without enough details to protect yourself. 73 MAR 2020 | WWW.LAWYER-MONTHLY.COM Expert Insight By Alex Shkor, DEIP

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