Lawyer Monthly Magazine August 2020 Edition

Mădălin Enache Mădălin Enache is a Senior Partner of the firm and heads the White- Collar & Business Crime Litigation practice, the focus of his activity being the legal defence of corporate and private clients in relation to criminal investigations and litigations in which they are involved. Starting 2006 Mădălin practices extensively and quasi-exclusively in high-level white-collar criminal cases, having successfully proven his first-class professional expertise in some of the most difficult, top-level and media- scrutinised criminal investigations and trials, with prejudices or financial impact of up to 1 billion EUR. He was also the Romanian lead-member of the international teams of attorneys involved in several well-known international investigations performed by the DOJ and the SFO in relation to corrupt or money laundering practices of certain corporations from the pharma or financial fields. Throughout his already impressive career, Mădălin counselled, assisted and represented renowned global, international or Romanian corporate clients, as well as key figure businessmen or executives and high-profile politicians and public figures (prime-ministers, ministers, presidential councillors, PM’s, MEP’s, business tycoons, etc.) involved in a wide range of cases in front of the criminal investigation authorities or the courts of law. Enache Pirtea & Associates 'Extraordinary Professionalism Applied to the requirements and needs of the clients' – this is what Enache Pirtea & Associates stands for and this is the main drive of the law firm that goes “the extra mile”. We have successfully created the law firm where clients can find lawyers who think business and who give them applicable leading-edge solutions, in order to ensure businesses move forward with ethics and integrity, while people are safe to enjoy a better future. EPA was set up in 2018 through the merger of the specialised law boutique offices of two highly reputed “newwave” Business Criminal Law attorneys, Ms Simona Pirtea and Mr Mădălin Enache, both with extensive experience in white-collar criminality cases and in business crime matters of relevant importance, acquired over the last 15 years of criminal practice and during the many years of coordinating the criminal law departments in two of the top law firms in Bucharest. Comprising a team of 14 attorneys and specialised consultants, the firm’s focal area of activity is Criminal Law (White-Collar and Business Crime), in its two main components: criminal investigation and litigation, as well as business crime consultancy and counselling (business ethics and integrity), in areas such as corruption crimes or money laundering, economic criminality or abuse of office, embezzlement of EU funds or cybercrimes, copyright or environmental criminal breaches. Furthermore, EPA has developed an important Business Law practice as well, proving that across-the-board experience in business matters (corporate, commercial, labour, civil litigation, etc.) and the trust of clients are key ingredients for successful legal projects. The professional achievements and dedication of the firm especially in the field of white-collar and business crime have already been acknowledged by some of the most prestigious international publications (Legal500, Chambers Europe, ICLG, etc.). 35 AUG 2020 | WWW.LAWYER-MONTHLY.COM What can those accused do during this period of uncertainty? How can lawyers assist? In all fraud or generally criminal cases, the approach of those accused should not change dramatically in these times, since procedures are the same and incriminations have also not changed. The first and foremost step to take is to seek professional legal counsel before taking any step further, meaning seeking an attorney who not only knows the law in theory but also in practice and who is flexible and adaptable in providing the best applicable legal strategy to counter either ungrounded (or illegal) accusations or which to diminish criminal responsibility by all procedural means available. Regrettable as it is, we encounter this in practice more often than we would wish to - clients approaching us to help them in the last hour of their cases, after initial defence strategies failed because, even if these were not theoretically incorrect, they were impracticable or resulted, for lack of thorough planning and overview, in far worse business consequences. Especially for legal (or defence) strategies, theory without perspective and applicability causes imminent failure or unavoidable collapse. AN INTERVIEW WITH MĂDĂLIN ENACHE Contact ENACHE PIRTEA & ASSOCIATES 32 Pictor Ion Negulici Street 1st District, Bucharest 011943, Romania Phone: +40 371 471 000 Fax: +40 371 607 160 Email:

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