Lawyer Monthly Magazine August 2020 Edition

44 WWW.LAWYER-MONTHLY.COM | AUG 2020 HOW COVID-19 COULD SHAPE THE FUTURE OF IN-HOUSE MARKETING FOR FIRMS Given the fluid nature of the marketplace, many organisations have been faced with tough decisions that have real human consequences. Unfortunately, businesses with smaller in-house marketing departments, for example, teams of 2-6 people, are likely to be hit hardest. While the COVID-19 crisis may force employers to make difficult decisions regarding existing staff, there remains an ever-present need to invest in the power of marketing. For brands that are struggling to keep in-house marketing teams afloat, there may be a silver lining – but only if those organisations are willing to think outside the box. Is this the end of the in-house model for businesses with small marketing teams? Pre-COVID, the in-house model served a valuable, albeit specific, role for companies. It enabled a more seamless In recent years, many organisations have made a strategic decision to bring some marketing services in-house. Typically, this has included content production, social media, channel specific services (e.g. Amazon) and more recently, media planning and buying. Indeed, some brave businesses with strong enough brand identities have sought to lure both strategic and creative talent in-house. But with the advent of the COVID-19 crisis, the entire landscape has been flipped on its head. At a time of crisis, it’s common for long-term marketing strategies to be supplanted and replaced by short-term needs for survival. In this instance, shoring up cash reserves and ensuring financial wellbeing become paramount – particularly for businesses that operate with fine margins. A DRIVING FORCE FOR RE-INVENTION: HOW COVID-19 COULD SHAPE THE FUTURE OF IN-HOUSE MARKETING FOR FIRMS

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