Lawyer Monthly - August 2021 Edition
What is paraquat? Paraquat is a herbicide which has been sold since the early 1960s to eradicate weeds. It has been extensively used in agricultural areas throughout California, including the Central Valley, Sacramento Valley, Imperial Valley and Inyo County. It has also been used widely in the Midwest and in the Mississippi Delta. Why is exposure to this substance dangerous? Exposure to paraquat is dangerous as it can cause Parkinson’s disease. People who are regularly exposed to paraquat through direct exposure and overspray exposure can develop Parkinson’s disease as a result. We represent many clients who have lived on a farm adjacent to where paraquat was routinely sprayed or live in a residential area next to agricultural fields where paraquat was regularly applied. WWW.LAWYER-MONTHLY.COM | AUG 2021 70 THOUGHT LEADER JEFFREY NADRICH The Dangers and Legal Ramifications of Paraquat Exposure Below, Lawyer Monthly hears from Jeffrey Nadrich on the current litigation surrounding paraquat and the long-term health complications it can cause.
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