Lawyer Monthly Magazine - September 2021 Edition

68 WWW.LAWYER-MONTHLY.COM | AUG 2021 In order to match your goals to your customers, you will have to ensure you are marketing in the right place. Below are a few top tips to help you decide which avenues are best to spend your legal marketing budget. How Can I Reach My Potential Clients? First and foremost, if you are not online then we would strongly recommend getting a website. As mentioned, more and more clients are finding law firms through search engines – in fact, a combined 78% of consumers look for lawyers online. If you are not there, put simply, you will not be found. This is why you should make sure you have a good website. It should be clear, impactful and – most importantly – include all of the pertinent information that your clients will want to see. website This is the next step in the website journey. If you add a blog to your website, you can begin to tap into your law firm’s wealth of knowledge to provide answers to client questions and place yourself in front of them as a source of authority, allowing you to build trust and showcase your law firm. One word of caution is to only use a blog if you have the time to write blogs. Nothing is quite so off-putting as heading to a website’s blog page only to find that it was last updated in 2017. Content Marketing/Blogging With the rise of search engines, SEO (or search engine optimisation) has become more and more important. Simply put, SEO is the practice of improving web content to get it show as high up the search results pages (or SERPs) as possible. Once you have a good, working website, your next step would be to focus on some level of SEO so that your website is appearing as a result of what your customers are searching. SEO Internet traffic arriving to websites from PPC delivers 50% more leads than organic traffic, so this is an area that is not to be ignored. Unfortunately for a lot of legal practice areas, it also happens to be quite expensive! But do not be discouraged. PPC can be an excellent form of both exposure and customer acquisition. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

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