Lawyer Monthly - November 2021 Edition
StudioLegale Acted as Legal Advisers to Carlisle Companies Lawyer Monthly Transaction Reports - Mergers & Acquisitions 85 WWW.LAWYER-MONTHLY.COM NOV 2021 ABOUT THE DEAL Dorsey & Whitney advised Arizona- based Carlisle Companies Inc. in the sale of its Carlisle Brake & Friction (CBF) division to CentroMotion in a deal worth as much as $375 million. This deal was closed in August 2021. The CBF division manufactures brake and friction solutions for off-highway vehicle markets in the construction, mining, agriculture and aerospace sectors, reporting a revenue of $275.3 million in 2020. Wisconsin-based CentroMotion is a portfolio company of One Rock Capital Partners LLC that creates motion, actuation and control solutions for the agriculture, construction, industrial and specialty and commercial vehicle markets. In a statement, Carlisle head Chris Koch explained that the CBF division was divested as part of the company’s “Vision 2025” strategy to simplify its portfolio and deliver better returns for shareholders. “As we enter a post-COVID-19 world, this transaction also aligns with Carlisle’s pivot to focusing on expansion of our building products segment” he said. An important part of the transaction was the CBF division’s sale of the equity of two Italian legal entities to CentroMotion. Dorsey & Whitney LLP therefore tapped Maiano Pisano & Partners to advise and assist Carlisle on all legal and regulatory matters involved in this transfer. The Maiano Pisano & Partners team was led by partner Dr. Maurizio M. Maiano, assisted by senior associates Luca Marzolini and Ludovica C. Maiano. Their support and assistance covered mainly corporate and regulatory areas leading to the transfer deed for the sale of the equity of the Italian entities, together with the securing of the Italian regulatory clearances. August 2021 Carlisle Sells the CBF Division to CentroMotion
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