Lawyer Monthly - December 2021 Edition
Acted as Legal Adviser to MTB Acted as Legal Adviser to Wing Real Estate Lawyer Monthly Transaction Reports - Funds & Investments 80 WWW.LAWYER-MONTHLY.COM DEC 2021 ABOUT THE DEAL WING completed a successful bond auction, issuing green bonds equivalent to approximately HUF 25.3 billion. The green bonds were issued under the Funding for Growth Scheme (“Növekedési Kötvényprogram” or “NKP”) established by the Hungarian National Bank, and funds raised as a result will be used solely for environmentally friendly projects and assets. WING is one of Hungary’s leading real estate developers and investors, having developed over 1.2 million square miles of real estate in Hungary since its founding in 1999. Its issuance of the green bonds was supported by its cooperating partner MKB Consulting Zrt, a complex financial advisor that helps its partners to contribute to a greener and more sustainable economy. Szabó Kelemen & Partners Andersen Attorneys advised MTB Bank as lead manager on covering the issuance. The Szabó Kelemen & Partners Andersen legal team included managing partner Péter Vincze. Kapolyi advised WING on the issuance with a team including partner Viktor Krezinger. October 2021 Wing Green’s Bond Issuance
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