Lawyer Monthly - December 2021 Edition

81 WWW.LAWYER-MONTHLY.COM DEC 2021 Please tell us more about your team’s involvement with the bond issuance. The documentation of the bonds was basically drafted by the legal advisor of the issuer (Kapolyi) and our team supported the legal compliance with the expectations of the lead manager (MTB Bank) and the potential investors and provided them a second opinion about the documentation. In addition, some supporting documents (paying agency agreement and lead manager agreement) were prepared by our team. What matters did you assist on? Andersen Legal helped to harmonise the bond documentation with NKP Prospectus and, furthermore, supported the negotiations with the Hungarian National Bank. We prepared the necessary banking documentation (as mentioned above) and helped MTB in the auction process and issuance of the bonds. Did you encounter any challenges along the way? If so, how did you overcome them? The legal advisor of the issuer (Kapolyi) was extremely professional and the issuance process was well prepared and professionally managed. All challenges were properly managed by the issuer and its advisors, so our team was able to fulfil its basic tasks. Do you expect to see any more deals similar to this one in 2022? Yes, we see more ESG and green label-related potential issuance in the pipeline as the need to disclose ESG performance accelerates, enabling financial institutions and insurers to evaluate companies’ ESG performance and pushing investment towards sustainability-focused companies. What else are you working on in the final months of the year? MTB Bank and MKB Bank are very active and serious players in the capital market and especially in the NKP bond market, so several new bond auctions can be expected by the end of this year. Lawyer Monthly had the pleasure to speak with Dr. Péter Vincze at Szabó Kelemen & Partners Andersen Attorneys to give us some further insight into this transaction:

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