know the business and can ensure that – no matter what we may encounter – we continue to develop a quality and relevant product that the public has come to expect from the Qualico brand. Qualico has a Corporate Support Services team that aids in providing the technological tools required to properly capture and share relevant information across its operating system integral to daily operations, which assists with ensuring confidential information is not wrongfully disseminated while minimising the risk of human error. Is there a particular piece of advice that you would give to the General Counsel of another multinational real estate business? The key to being a successful General Counsel is knowing the business you are in and working closely with the other senior executives. General Counsel is a unique role that incorporates both providing legal advice and making management decisions. Having a sound knowledge of the law is only one aspect of the role. Depending on the size of the corporation and the legal team, the General Counsel sometimes does not actively practice law but is more involved in the management decisions. It is important for the President or CEO of any corporation to have access to legal advice in every decision that they are making. I would advise other General Counsel to spend time learning the business and market that they are in. By understanding the business, you can combine legal and management advice relevant to the corporation. It is also important to have contacts with outside legal counsel and other professionals in each jurisdiction that your corporation operates to ensure you are up to date with what is happening on the ground. This can often differ from what you read and is vital to providing relevant advice to your senior executive team. The General Counsel role has evolved from drafting contracts and advising on legal matters to a strategic position at the decision-making table. This requires a distinct set of skills separate from those traditionally associated with a lawyer. General Counsel is a rewarding and challenging role for those who enjoy making decisions that reach beyond the legal sphere to include financial, management and risk forecasting decisions. WWW.LAWYER-MONTHLY.COM | APR 2022 76 THOUGHT LEADER - ALISON MCCULLOUGH-BUTCHART
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