Lawyer Monthly - July 2023 Edition

About CB Everett CBE Everett is the managing partner and the founder of CBE Law Group. His experience includes a number of successful trials of workers’ compensation matters before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board, resolution of claims of serious injury; defence of claims for discrimination under the Labor Code, and many other employment law matters. He has also successfully represented employers before other state agencies, including the EEOC, the DFEH, the Labor Commissioner, and the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. About CBE Law Group CBE Law Group is a California-based workers' compensation insurance defence firm. The group works with major insurance companies, third party administrators, employers and PEOs, providing aggressive defence of workers’ compensation matters. The firm is also proficient in defence regarding discrimination claims under Labor Code section 132a and the resolution of lien claims. Contact CB Everett Managing Partner CBE Law Group 425 E. 4th Street, Suite E, Long Beach, CA 90802, USA Tel: +1 213-357-5121 Fax: +1 213-357-5122 E: It is crucial for PEOs and their clients to consult with legal and insurance professionals to fully understand their respective obligations and coverage. It could misguide the claims team and legal representation and obscure what true action should be taken on the claim, as well as what liability truly exists, if any. Do you have any further comments to make regarding the employment law concerns of PEOs? When working with PEOs or if you have any PEO-related questions or generally need guidance, we recommend you rely upon a good insurance broker, along with experienced employment law and workers’ compensation attorneys. We are happy to assist directly or by way of referring you on to the right parties, so please do not hesitate to reach out. or attempt to get the employee medical treatment without reporting the claim. There may also be an unintentional failure to report a claim, as sometimes an employee may report a complaint or an injury in an inconspicuous manner, meaning that it is not apparent to trigger the client company to initiate the claims process. Or there may simply be administrative negligence causing a failure to report. In any event, if a claim is not timely reported or inaccurately reported, it may set forth a domino effect of negative consequences. For example, untimely reporting may bar certain defences, causing the employer to incur liability. It could prevent the administration of the claims adjuster to timely complete compliance documentation and afford an employee the opportunity to seek treatment. The insurance company may lose the ability to control medical care within its network. Further, an employee who is not properly treated may seek legal representation, and there could be a greater incidence of claims litigation and thus resulting costs. A miscommunicated or inaccurate report of a claim could cause the claims team to improperly deny or accept a claim. THOUGHT LEADER 83

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