Lawyer Monthly - June 2024

14 LAWYER MONTHLY JUNE 2024 Our law firm has extensive experience in cross-border legal matters and works closely with colleagues and experts around the globe. What is the divorce process in Germany and what happens to our finances on divorce? Divorce proceedings begin with the filing of the application for divorce with the court. A divorce may be pronounced after one year of separation. If the spouses did not conclude any prenuptial and postnuptial agreement, the statutory provisions apply. The statutory matrimonial property regime is the community of accrued gains. Under the community of accrued gains regime, each spouse retains ownership and management of his or her own assets and also benefits from them. There is no legal liability for the debts of the spouse. There are no joint assets. Instead, the spouse with the smaller gain receives an equalization payment from the other spouse. The respective gain is determined on the basis of a strict cut-off date principle, i.e. information must, on request, be provided about the assets on the date of the marriage and on the date of service of the application for divorce. This information must be substantiated with supporting documents. In addition, information may be requested about the assets at the time of separation. This information must also be substantiated with supporting documents. The spouse who has made the higher gain must pay the other spouse half of the difference between the respective gains as compensation. Inheritances or gifts made by one spouse during the marriage are added to the initial assets so that the other spouse does not participate in the increase in assets resulting from such gifts. On the other hand, any increase in value is subject to equalization. The spouses are subject to restrictions on the disposal of the assets as a whole and of household items. In order to counteract arbitrary reductions in assets and thus a reduction in the equalization claim, certain disadvantageous measures are either withdrawn purely by calculation, or the disadvantaged spouse may demand that the third party return what has been granted. If the spouses are unable to reach an out-of-court settlement, they can include subsequent proceedings in the divorce settlement (so-called combined application), e.g. post-marital alimony or equalization of gains. A good family law lawyer needs excellent legal knowledge, empathy, communication skills, and negotiation skills.

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