Lawyer Monthly - June 2024

competition and free enterprise. This legal structure is further supported by several key statutes: the Economic Freedom Act (Law 13874/2019), the 1976 Corporations Act, the 2002 Civil Code, and the 2015 Civil Procedural Code. Additionally, case law has become increasingly significant due to the establishment of a system of binding precedents by the Supreme Court, ensuring consistency and predictability in the interpretation of the Federal Constitution. What key issues should a party consider before bringing a claim? Before initiating legal proceedings, parties should verify the possibility of reaching an agreement with the opposing party, considering the lengthy duration required to obtain a final judicial decision. This is due to the protracted nature of Brazil’s 28 LAWYER MONTHLY JUNE 2024 A mediator’s primary function is to assist the parties in understanding the issues at hand, exploring potential solutions, and negotiating a mutually acceptable agreement.

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