Lawyer Monthly - June 2024

Dana Bentata What different types of intellectual property rights exist to protect, inventions, brands and other creations, technology, and proprietary interests in Venezuela? Since Venezuela withdrew from the Andean Community in 2006, intellectual property rights are regulated by the Industrial Property Law of 1955 (implemented in 1956), which provides protection for trademarks, patents and commercial names and the Copyright Law of 1993, which covers the protection of original works or authorship. In 2020, following a fifteen-year hiatus in patent grants, the Venezuelan Autonomous Service of Intellectual Property (SAPI) formally recognized and subsequently began applying the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects in Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), alongside the Industrial Property Law of 1955. In the event of conflicting provisions, the most favorable to patent applicants prevails. An Interview with... Venezuelan Law on the Protection of Intellectual Property Dana Bentata, a leading intellectual property attorney at Bentata Abogados, is at the forefront of protecting inventions, brands, and other creations in Venezuela. With the country’s withdrawal from the Andean Community in 2006, intellectual property rights in Venezuela are governed by the Industrial Property Law of 1955 and the Copyright Law of 1993. In this interview, Dana shares her expertise on the intricacies of these laws, the impact of the TRIPS Agreement on patent applications, and the procedures for registering various types of intellectual property. She provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of navigating intellectual property rights in Venezuela, highlighting the importance of protecting innovations and proprietary interests in a dynamic legal landscape. WWW.LAWYER-MONTHLY.COM 31

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