Lawyer Monthly - June 2024

precise, quantitative analyses to help the legal community understand the biomechanics of injury and better serve their clients. What type of services does TLS Forensic offer and for which type of client? TLS Forensic offers a comprehensive range of forensic biomechanics services tailored to clients involved in civil and criminal litigation, including personal injury cases stemming from vehicular and aviation accidents, slip and falls, falling objects, industrial and recreational accidents. Our expert services cater to attorneys, insurance companies, and other legal professionals seeking detailed and scientifically rigorous analysis of injury causation. TLS Forensic reconstructs accidents based on testimony, police reports, and on-site inspections and experimentation. Utilizing physics-based accident reconstruction software, we draw on an extensive database of vehicle physical properties and deformation information to analyze the forces at play. Our expertise extends to pedestrian and bicycle accident reconstruction, ensuring a thorough investigation into various types of collisions. When did you start providing expert opinion in Canada and North America and how did this come about? Can you provide our readers with an introduction to TLS Forensic and its formation? TLS Forensic started providing expert opinions over 15 years ago in response to requests from the legal community, particularly in the field of personal injury. There was a significant demand for more quantitative answers regarding how and why injuries occurred during incidents such as auto collisions and aviation accidents. While I was already conducting these analyses within academia, these analyses were not being fully leveraged by the personal injury legal community. Thus, TLS Forensic Biomechanics and Engineering Ltd was established to bridge the gap between academic research and its practical application in a legal context. Since 2008, TLS Forensic has been providing specialized forensic biomechanics expertise for civil and criminal litigation, assisting with personal injury cases, auto collisions and aviation accidents across the USA and Canada. TLS Forensic is dedicated to delivering The focus is always on biomechanics. Our accident reconstruction seamlessly transitions into biomechanical simulations to determine how specific forces and accelerations impacted the body. We analyze whether injuries resulted from impacts, twists, crushes, or bends and assess the consistency of the injury with the testimony provided. By examining medical records and imaging such as x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, we identify the unique characteristics of injuries and the forces that caused them. TLS Forensic is committed to delivering precise, timely and scientifically grounded analyses to support the legal community in making informed decisions about injury causation. Our services include: Accident Reconstruction: Utilizing testimony, police reports, and on-site investigation to reconstruct vehicle accidents, including automotive, motorcycle, trucking and bicycle collisions. Biomechanical Simulation: Using state-of-the-art technology to model the accident scene and quantify the biomechanical loads on the body, ensuring accurate injury causation analysis. Detailed Reporting: Providing detailed biomechanical reports, with extensive review of the scientific literature, that address whether the forces and accelerations involved were sufficient to cause the injuries or trauma claimed. TLS Forensic Training: TLS Forensic is expanding its services to include training programs for lawyers and professionals in personal injury litigation. These training sessions aim to enhance the legal community’s understanding of the advanced methods used in accident reconstruction and biomechanical simulations. Participants gain insight into the forces at play during vehicular collisions, how these forces influence occupant movement within a vehicle and the critical factors, such as seatbelt usage, that impact injury outcomes. TLS Forensic is committed to delivering precise, timely and scientifically grounded analyses to support the legal community in making informed decisions about injury causation. WWW.LAWYER-MONTHLY.COM 53

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