Lawyer Monthly - July 2024

analyze the documents sent by the target independently. This independence becomes a source of complementarity, as it enables us to raise all the legal issues applicable to the target and to address to our client all the points of vigilance required during due diligence. This complementarity also applies to the drafting of contractual documents for the acquisition. In addition to these legal skills, such an acquisition requires patience and rigor. And our team’s great availability, both to the client and to each other, enabled us to maintain the momentum needed to finalize the acquisition on schedule. What is your typical process of due diligence and was this adapted for this particular project? Depending on the timetable set by the client, we need to set up a due diligence process quickly. As soon as a target is Arnaud, can you expand on this acquisition and your role throughout the process of the acquisition for your client? Through its SLAM private equity fund, created in December 2023, TRAIL invests in the sports, luxury goods, art and music sectors. As part of its development strategy, the fund has decided to acquire the AresMMA group. Backed by our experience and expertise in sports law, we have advised the SLAM fund since its inception. In this capacity, we were involved throughout the acquisition process, from due diligence to the drafting of all contractual documentation as well as all strategic options and moves on the project. Can you tell us how yourself and your colleagues’ skills were utilised during this acquisition, what individual value did you each bring and how did you work seamlessly throughout? My team and I specialize in sports law, and sports law is unique in that it covers a number of different law matters, including corporate law, contract law, labor law, tax law, etc. Our team, in addition to its mastery of sports law, has a specialist in each of these matters, so it is complementary. Each member of the team, with his or her specific skills, is able to study and Lawyer Monthly had the pleasure to speak with Arnaud Péricard, Founder and Partner at CPC & Associés to give us some further insight into this transaction: TRANSACTION INTERVIEW 37 My team and I specialize in sports law, and sports law is unique in that it covers a number of different law matters.

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