The tech industry has faced increased scrutiny regarding sexual harassment particularly within senior leadership and C-suite executives. Several high profile cases within this industry revealed issues of sexual assault involving top executives. This pervasive sexual harassment is fueled by the fast-paced and often maledominated nature of the industry. Where executive teams are predominantly male, the power imbalance creates a culture where women are made to feel inferior and under increased scrutiny. Tech is also a field where top executives may work closely with lower-level employees. This can foster an intimidating work environment and one where employees may fear retaliation if they report harassment. Often C-Suite executives act as if they are invincible and that the laws do not apply to them. This mindset perpetuates a toxic culture because employers do not hold their top executives accountable for their actions. Consequently, employees may feel powerless to report sexual harassment fearing that the company will cover up their complaint to protect the reputation and public image of its executives. In these incidents, speaking out feels futile particularly if the company has the means to suppress or discredit an employee’s complaints. In these dynamics, victims often report that their complaints go unaddressed. Often, companies are more fearful of losing moneymakers than protecting their employees. It is obvious that the higher the rank and power that a supervisor or manager has, the more likely they can 12 LAWYER MONTHLY MARCH 2025 evade consequences for their actions. These C-suite executives often have unlimited resources and wealth. They are the gatekeepers of power within the organization and have control of business operations. It is completely logical to feel that going up against the “big tech company” could mean career suicide. This mentality fosters a work environment where sexual harassment often runs rampant but goes unchecked. A lack of accountability not only undermines It is obvious that the higher the rank and power that a supervisor or manager has, the more likely they can evade consequences for their actions.
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