LAWYER MONTHLY©2025 Universal Media Limited Lawyer Monthly is published by Universal Media Limited and is available on general subscription. Readership and circulation information can be found at: The views expressed in the articles within Lawyer Monthly are the contributors’ own. All rights reserved. Material contained within this publication is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without prior permission. Permission may only be given in written form by the management board of Universal Media Limited. Approx. 302,000 net digital distribution. Stefan Thomas Bridging Law and Business: Stefan’s Innovative Approach at T I Law Group Dr. Lévai Imre Róbert Defending Justice: Law, Challenges, and His Vision for the Future Brittany Stevens Understanding Sexual Harassment in Today’s Workplace 22 16 8 MARCH 2025 In this latest edition of Lawyer Monthly, we are excited to present a series of engaging articles that offer profound insights into the legal world. In our first feature, Brittany Stevens, partner at Phillips & Associates, delves into the complexities of sexual harassment in the workplace, examining its legal, psychological, and corporate dynamics. We then hear from Dr. Lévai Imre Róbert, attorney at law, who shares his vision for the future of law and his approach to defending justice. Stefan Thomas brings a fresh perspective on business law, showcasing his innovative approach at Thomas Ingram Law Group. Estes Fonkalsrud of Advocate Law offers an in-depth look at the art of defense, emphasizing the importance of communication, strategy, and client advocacy. Lastly, Jonathan Russell provides valuable insights into personal injury law, focusing on empowering accident victims at Drake, Hileman & Davis. We hope these articles inspire and inform you as much as they did us! Happy reading! Warm regards, Mark Palmer Editor, Lawyer Monthly
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