Lawyer Monthly - March 2025

Finances online found that people between the age of 18 – 29 are 53% more likely to find a job using their smartphones. Since the COVID-19 pandemic people are more likely to desire a better work-life balance and demand this in their jobs. For lawyers this is one of the biggest struggles with such a busy work life, but being a freelance lawyer can offer you more job autonomy. Whilst working for yourself has some great perks it can also bring other stressors and unpredictability. You will have to work hard to build your own freelance business and profile whilst dealing with everything yourself. Is being your own boss something you think you could do? The benefits of being a freelance lawyer You can create your own hours and decide when you want to work meaning you will have a more balanced lifestyle and avoid burnout more easily. You can decide your own fees, whether that is an hourly rate or a fixed standard rate. 48 LAWYER MONTHLY MARCH 2025 Special Feature Work with freedom! With a new digital age comes new possibilities and many are taking on the option of being a freelance lawyer. The possibility of remote work has spread worldwide into thousands of different sectors and lawyers are employing this idea too. Why You Should Be A Freelance Lawyer

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