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Google Slams EU Regulators For Ignoring Apple Following Record Fine

28th September 2021
At the start of a five-day hearing, Google representatives told judges at the General Court that Android has been a huge success story of competition at work. Back in 2018, the European Commission fined Google, claiming that, since 2011, it had used Android to thwart rivals and solidify its dominance in general internet search. Tech […]
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Fed Circuit Affirms Google’s Win Against 3D Spreadsheet Patent Claims

27th August 2021
Texas-based Data Engine Technologies LLC, a subsidiary of Acacia Research, first sued Mountain View California-based Google in 2014, claiming that its Google Sheets spreadsheet programme infringed patents related to using notebook-style tabs to arrange and display information in three-dimensional electronic spreadsheets.   However, under the patents’ definition, Google Sheet does not count as a “three-dimensional spreadsheet”, […]
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What Are The Steps To Recover Damages In A Personal Injury Lawsuit?

13th August 2021
Kyle Bachus, a founding partner of Bachus & Schanker LLC, explains how you can recover damages in a personal injury lawsuit.  A personal injury lawsuit is a significant undertaking. In order to recover financial compensation, you must do the right things. A personal injury lawyer is a trained professional that can represent you throughout the […]
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Online Reviews And The Commercial Imperative To Think Digital

11th August 2021
You can compare the reviews of thousands of restaurants and the star rating of products on Amazon– yet there’s no standard way to compare the services of all UK law firms. Here, Bernadette Bennett, head of legal at Moneypenny shares why reviews are so valuable and how firms must avoid putting the cart before the […]
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The Pandemic Litigation Boom: How AI Is Enabling Lawyers To Be Dispute-Ready

14th July 2021
Eleanor Weaver, CEO of Luminance, explains how technology is enabling lawyers to prepare for the increased number of disputes resulting from the pandemic.  Technology, and AI in particular, is playing a critical role in helping businesses to weather the storm posed by an increase in disputes. 2020 was a disruptive year across the board: the […]
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Why Can the Ultra-Wealthy Pay So Little Tax?

8th July 2021
Lawyer Monthly takes a look at the US tax code and the tactics billionaires use to legally protect their fortunes.
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How to Navigate the Complex Field of Fraud, Counterfeiting and Brand Infringement Online

30th April 2021
When e-commerce first emerged in the late nineties, one of the major hurdles was to overcome consumer inertia. Back then, buying things on the internet required a leap of faith. Much has changed in the last few decades, and the current COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a catalyst and an accelerator for any brands or […]
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