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Is a New US Data Protection Agency on the Horizon?

17th February 2020
With the implementation of GDPR in the Eu over the past few years, we have seen a massive overhaul of data protection regulation and plenty of actual enforcement from authorities.
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55% Worried About the US Trade Deal Impacting the NHS

2nd December 2019
Brexit dominates the UK with a major concern on the impact it will have on the National Health Service (NHS). The newly released survey on “Over-The-Counter (OTC) and Pharma 2019” by the business data platform Statista assesses the responses of more than 2,000 UK consumers.
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Are Law Firms Failing to Mitigate Increasingly Sophisticated AML Practices?

6th November 2019
If businesses have learnt anything from the past few years, it’s that knowing who you are working with is key to success.
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Can Law Save the Planet?

2nd October 2019
Earlier this month the news shone a light on the devasting fires which took place in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, where scientists who used NASA satellites to track the blaze claim that the 2019 fire has been the worst the Amazon has seen since 2010. Why should this concern us? Because the Amazon is a […]
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Voice Search to Bring Major Disruption to Law Firm Marketing

1st October 2019
With reports of 40% of adults using it at least once per day, Managing Director of Marketing Lawyers explains how this trend is about to hit law firms. “Voice search is ready to change how law firms market themselves online, because it’s already changed the way consumers and businesses search for information. Global Web Index […]
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Getting the Right Network Circle for You

1st October 2019
This month, she discusses how developing the right network circle involves learning more about yourself first to ensure you have the people that better complement your skills and attributes. No man is an island, and no lawyer can cultivate a successful career by being known only to a limited number of his or her colleagues […]
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The Importance of Networking for Lawyers

4th September 2019
In the first part of her series, she touches on the importance of networking as a skill, and why all lawyers should work on it and refrain from relying on AI when it comes to human connections. Very few professional development concepts are as divisive as the subject of networking. Most of the lawyers – […]
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Lawyer Monthly is a news website and monthly legal publication with content that is entirely defined by the significant legal news from around the world.