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Finance MonthlyArchives

Does Lower Income Tax Make a Happier Country?

20th August 2018
According to extensive research, Finland was named the happiest country in the world. The report was compiled from the answers of a series of questions relating to the quality of people’s lives, from 0 to 10. The average was taken from over 2015-2017, with 156 countries taking part. The World Happiness Report scored each country […]
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Your Thoughts: Facebook & Your Banking Data

15th August 2018
Forbes is warning to ‘quit Facebook before it inevitably accesses your banking data’ following reports from the Wall Street Journal alleging that Facebook has spent the last year in touch with banks such as JPMorgan & Wells Fargo in pursuit of its users’ banking data. As a result, investors bled the social media giant of […]
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Is Alexa Your New Lawyer?

9th August 2018
When you need the answer to a legal question, unless you’re seriously traditional you most likely pull your smartphone out and ask Siri or Alexa. Below Tom Desmond, CEO of Law Firm digital marketing agency ApricotLaw, delves into the ever-evolving uses of technology in the legal sphere. Voice searches are becoming increasingly popular. More than […]
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Deal or No Deal: UK Retailers’ Best and Worst Brexit Outcomes

7th February 2018
Below Alison Conley, Head of Retail & Consumer at MHA MacIntyre Hudson, explains some of the prospects for UK retailers at either side of the Brexit deal outcome. The sums at stake for retailers as a result of Brexit are huge. With the value of UK imports from the EU and the rest of the world […]
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Tesla Vs Top Gear: Has it Ended?

26th January 2018
What was once just a lawsuit in progress has now become a heated motoring rivalry, namely between Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla (also the CEO and CTO of SpaceX), and Jeremy Clarkson, a British broadcaster and journalist, star of Top Gear and The Grand Tour, renowned for his TV jargon. It all started following […]
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How Can the Legal Industry Better Embrace Technology?

20th December 2017
The Seattle area has become known as an international technology and innovation hub, with first-rate tech companies, universities, and a thriving start-up scene all contributing to the city’s large and growing talent pool. We have an exclusive interview with Elena Donio, CEO of Axiom who speaks more on technology impacting the legal sector. 'Axiom’s research […]
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Why You Should Open Business in Brazil

20th December 2017
Ronaldo Apelbaum speaks to Lawyer Monthly all about tax in Brazil; where the country needs to focus on certain tax issues, Ronaldo reassures us that movements are starting to address such problems, and touches on what companies should do to avoid causing tax issues in the future.   How has the business sector progressed over […]
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