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The Top 10 Trademark Battles That Swept 2017

14th December 2017
Lawyer Monthly has picked out 10 really interesting and influential trademark battles that took the spotlight in 2017.
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Uber’s Cyberhack Cover-Up Exposed

22nd November 2017
Lawyer Monthly hears form Susan Hall, a Partner and specialist lawyer in intellectual property and information and communications technology at national firm Clarke Willmott LLP, who reacts to the latest news that Uber concealed a huge data breach affecting 57 million users and drivers in 2016. The news that Uber suffered a substantial data breach […]
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The Future of Litigation Data & Analytics

15th November 2017
Over recent years, data has grown to become the most precious commodity that we have: more valuable than oil or gas and with innumerable potential uses. Below Lawyer Monthly hears from Masoud Gerami, Managing Director of Justis, who has been at the forefront of legal research technology and the digitisation of case law for the past 30 years. Alphabet […]
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Freshfields: Asia Key Focus for Competition Law Enforcement

1st November 2017
Antitrust in Asia has become a key consideration for international businesses operating in the region, according to Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (Freshfields). Changes in the region’s competition law landscape in the past five years have seen key regional markets entering the realm of enforcement – particularly Hong Kong and a host of ASEAN members – and […]
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What Can Go Wrong for Franchises?

31st October 2017
If you are interested in opening a franchise, or have wondered how it all works, this next article will be a must-read. We speak to the writer of ‘Franchising for Dummies’, an expert in everything to do with the franchising industry; Michael Seid offers insights into the legal process behind opening a franchise, how lawyers […]
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How Perceptions of Mental Health and Capacity Are Changing the Legal World

31st October 2017
In this next interview, we speak with one of the leading experts in mental capacity; Tim Farmer is devoted to ensuring that the individual is at the heart of everything he does, resulting in the main principle for assessing mental capacity at his firm TSF Consultants. Tim says: “We believe that people should be treated […]
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The US Alice Decision’s Positive Impact for UK Patent Litigators

24th October 2017
Following the recent expiration of Amazon’s infamous 1-Click US patent coupled with the Federal Circuit’s remarkable ruling in Visual Memory, Nick Shipp, Partner at Kilburn & Strode, explains the need for more stricter specifications and how these decisions affect patent law in Europe. The recent decision in Visual Memory LLC v NVIDIA Corp. (Visual Memory) […]
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Lawyer Monthly is a news website and monthly legal publication with content that is entirely defined by the significant legal news from around the world.