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UBER it! – The Ways Transport and Maritime Have Changed

25th September 2017
Neil S. Lerner has practiced maritime and transportation law in Southern California for 30 years and his level of expertise is evident when we speak with him. Below, he discusses how he has seen the maritime and transportation industry develop – touching on the impact of UBER -, and changes he is eager to witness. […]
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GDPR ‘Tripadvisor Threat’ is an Opportunity to be Seized

11th August 2017
While some are already looking towards GDPR as an opportunity, some see the regulation as a hindrance or an obstacle to overcome, and the remainder of businesses are still unaware of the pending rules. Here, Sarah Williamson, Partner at Boyes Turner and a speaker and author on data protection and security issues, discusses with Lawyer […]
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The Disappearance of The International Tax World as We Know It: Understanding BEPS(zilla)

31st July 2017
In a thought provoking interview, Eugenio Grageda speaks on how international tax is making a huge, impacting change, and what this means for all those who pay tax.   What the BEPS is everyone talking about? The Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) is a project initiated in 2012 by the G-20 and the Organisation […]
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How Law Firms Should Really Be Using Social Media

31st July 2017
Everyone tends to have a Twitter or a Facebook, and some go as far as a YouTube channel and a LinkedIn, but where is the power in these tools if not in the creative and outward approach a firm puts into them? Below, Cleland Thom Principal at the College of Media and Publishing, explains. Some […]
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Your Thoughts: Grenfell Housing Crisis

12th July 2017
Victims on the Grenfell tower fire have still not been housed over three weeks later, despite being promised housing would be provided within three weeks. Even before the fire, Chelsea and Kensington, in London, already has the worst reputation in England for housing homeless people locally. Lawyer Monthly asked experts to watch this video and […]
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Drone-Jacking: The Perils and Possibilities

30th June 2017
Nick Gibbons, cyber security expert and partner at BLM, considers the potential perils that may come with the use of drone technology, and the legal protection that will be necessary to prevent drone-jacking and hacking.   Typically, when the conversation moves to drone-jacking, people immediately envisage a Hollywood-style breach of national security, before Will Smith […]
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Tech Firms Called to Support Change in Internet Law So Child Sex Trafficking Websites Can Be Held Accountable

2nd June 2017
Consumer Watchdog recently called on tech companies including Google, Facebook, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft, to support amending a key Internet law so websites like that facilitate child sex trafficking can be held accountable by victims and state attorneys general. Consumer Watchdog's call came at the start of what Congress has called "Combatting Trafficking […]
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Lawyer Monthly is a news website and monthly legal publication with content that is entirely defined by the significant legal news from around the world.