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Your Thoughts: Income Rules for Foreign Spouses

8th March 2017
Was the UK's Supreme Court judgement on income for foreign spouses fair? This week we hear some thoughts from legal experts on this matter.
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High Court Case Rules Against Fixed Legal Fees

6th March 2017
A High Court appeal has cast doubt on the government’s plans to introduce fixed legal fees, just a day after the Ministry of Justice unveiled its intention to cap whiplash payouts. The Court of Appeal case of Merrix v Heart of England NHS Trust saw the claimant successfully argue that the current system of cost […]
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Lifeline Legislation: Healthcare in Poland

1st March 2017
  We gain expert insight into healthcare with our interview with Katarzyna Czyżewska, who is based in Poland. She believes that the Polish medical legislation requires serious reforms, aimed at, above all, simplification of provisions and reducing the quantity and frequency of its modifications. Medical professionals have huge problems with following the constantly changing law […]
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How can IP help businesses expand opportunities via international trade?

28th February 2017
Not obtaining the right level of protection for your unique business can lead companies into a bundle of mess; trademarks and copyrights are implemented to ensure this is avoided, but what happens when your company wants to expand internationally? Will your registered IP be recognised in overseas markets? Lorna Brazell, Partner in the Intellectual Property […]
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Andrea Elliott on the Future of Business Immigration in the US

28th February 2017
Immigration has allowed the world to integrate and share talent across all jurisdictions, but more recently, the topic of immigration has been a negative one; it has caused concern for those who worry their jobs are being snatched away and that it is causing terror threats and attacks. The debate is never-ending, but the recent […]
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What David Beckham’s Hacking Tells Us About Cybersecurity

28th February 2017
We’ve had Sony, Talk Talk, Tesco Bank and the Democratic Party.  Now, David Beckham is the latest individual to have his emails hacked with embarrassing revelations being made about his communications with advisers expressing his disappointment at being passed over for a knighthood in, seemingly, quite forceful terms.   So what does this tell us? Well, […]
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Scottish Government’s Plans to Introduce ‘Mclaspo’ Will Impact Both Casualty and Motor Insurers

27th February 2017
International legal business DWF has warned that insurers writing business in Scotland are likely to face significant challenges when the Scottish Government introduces qualified one-way cost shifting (QOCS) and Damages-Based Agreements later this year. The proposals form part of the Expenses and Funding of Civil Litigation (Scotland) Bill, now expected to be published in May […]
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Lawyer Monthly is a news website and monthly legal publication with content that is entirely defined by the significant legal news from around the world.