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Is the Legal System ‘Failing’ Women and In Need of Reform?

25th January 2018
A ground-breaking report recently released by the Fawcett Society concludes that the UK legal system is failing women and needs fundamental reform. The report, which is the conclusion of the Fawcett Society’s Sex Discrimination Law Review (SDLR) Panel, also found that violence against women and girls is ‘endemic’ in the UK. The SDLR Panel was […]
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Your Thoughts: NHS Staffing Future

23rd January 2018
Recent reports suggest that the NHS is under grave staffing danger, as its ‘haemorrhaging’ nurses with one in 10 leaving the service each year. This appears to be a 20% rise since 2012-13, and there are now more people leaving the NHS than there are joining. The figures from NHS Digital mean that in the […]
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The Property Industry in 2018: Plenty of Reasons for Optimism?

10th January 2018
Following a turbulent 18 months for the UK, the arrival of 2018 brings with it a number of reasons for optimism. Below Lawyer Monthly hears from Paresh Raja, CEO at MFS, on real estate, housing and property developments to look forward to in the coming year. Since the EU referendum in June 2016, the country […]
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Here’s 3 of 2017’s News Stories That Shone a Spotlight on the Law

8th January 2018
2016 was dominated by news of Trump and Brexit. While those two political issues have remained firmly on the news agenda, this year’s front pages have also been dominated by terrorist attacks, high-profile harassment claims, and catastrophic weather phenomenon. Virtually each story and event, both large and small, has brought an area of law into […]
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2018 Law Review: What’s On the Agenda?

5th January 2018
On behalf of Lawyer Monthly, Richard Thomas, Partner at Cardiff and London based commercial law firm Capital Law, looks at what legal changes will be sweeping administrations in 2018. GDPR European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the result of four year’s work by the EU to bring legislation in line with the new ways that data […]
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How Can the Legal Industry Better Embrace Technology?

20th December 2017
The Seattle area has become known as an international technology and innovation hub, with first-rate tech companies, universities, and a thriving start-up scene all contributing to the city’s large and growing talent pool. We have an exclusive interview with Elena Donio, CEO of Axiom who speaks more on technology impacting the legal sector. 'Axiom’s research […]
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What Is Happening on the International Trade Scene?

20th December 2017
In the years you have been practicing, how have you seen the international trade scene evolve? Free-trade agreements shape significantly the international trade landscape for the last couple decades. With the majority of countries involved in bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, e.g. ASEAN Free Trade Area, NAFTA, EEA, APEC that are still functioning nowadays, tariffs […]
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