
A bit more information

The Legal Ladder: From Paralegal to Managing Partner

13th June 2017
As part of Lawyer Monthly’s new series on law school, recruitment and careers in the legal sector, John Oxley, Barrister at Vardags relays an educational piece below on the journey from paralegal to managing partner, and everything in between. Lawyers often have little idea what those above and below them in their firm actually do. […]
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Searching for a Job in Law in 2017? Here’s When to Apply and Why

30th January 2017
For many, 2016 was a year of ups and downs and arguably the same can be said for the UK job market. As 2017 looks set to herald further upheaval – from Brexit to a new US president – many of us will begin to seek change; maybe a new job or potentially a different […]
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